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Chinese New Year(中国新年), also known as the Spring Festival(春节), or the Lunar New Year(阴历新年).2018 is the Year of the Dog(狗年) according to Chinese zodiac(12生肖).

春节问候|Popular Greetings

  • Wish your family a happy new year! 祝您全家新春快乐!

  • Happy new year! 新年快乐/过年好!

  • May all your wishes be fulfilled! 万事如意!

  • Big luck and big profits.大吉大利

  • Happiness and prosperity! 恭喜发财!

  • Everlasting peace year after year!岁岁平安!

春节习俗|Holiday Customs:

腊月二十三:Worshiping the Kitchen God 祭拜灶王爷

腊月二十四:Clean up the house thoroughly 扫房子;

腊月二十六:Shopping for festival items 办年货;


  • Pasting Spring Festival couplets贴春联

  • Having family reunion dinner吃年夜饭;

  • Watching TV gala看春晚;

  • Setting off fireworks放鞭炮;

  • Giving money in red envelopes发红包;

  • Eat dumplings吃饺子;

  • Staying up late守岁;

大年初一:Visiting relatives 串亲戚

大年初二:Worshiping the God of Wealth 祭拜财神;

大年初五:Welcoming the God of Wealth 迎接财神;

正月十五:Lantern Festival 元宵节;

  • Visiting Lantern fair逛庙会

  • Guessing lantern riddles猜灯谜;

  • Eating Rice Dumpling吃元宵;

新年儿歌|Nursery rhymes:

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!


Happy New Year to you all!


We are singing; we are dancing.


Happy New Year to you all!


春节起源|Holiday Origins

According to tales and legends(根据神话传说), the beginning of the Chinese New Year started with a mythical beast(神兽) called the Nian(年).

Nian would eat villagers, especially children. One year, all the villagers decided to go hide from the beast. An old man appeared before the villagers went into hiding and said that he's going to stay the night(守夜),and decided to get revenge(复仇)on the Nian. All the villagers thought he was insane(神志不清).

The old man put red papers up and set off fire crackers(放鞭炮). The day after, the villagers came back to their town to see that nothing was destroyed.

They assumed(猜测) that the old man was a deity(神明)who came to save them. The villagers then understood that the Nian was afraid of the color red and loud noises.

When the New Year was about to come, the villagers would wear red clothes, hang red lanterns, and red spring scrolls on windows and doors. People also used fire crackers to frighten away the Nian. From then on, Nian never came to the village again.

Nowadays, when the festival comes each year, windows and doors are decorated(装饰)with red color paper-cuts(剪纸) and couplets(对联)with popular themes of "good fortune(好运)" or "happiness(幸福)", "wealth(财富)", and "longevity(长寿)",






Upper Scroll: Everything goes well as you expect

Lower Scroll: Career rises steadily as you want

Horizontal Scroll: Luck Knocks on the Door
